Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Burnt Offerings

To all those who missed the last deliriously fatigued Nacht Klass ( I'm feeling very Sally Bowles a la Cabaret darlinks - photoshop some emerald green eyeshadow on me pronto), I hope our bold captain of this crazy ship (that's you, Leon) went home and slept the sleep of the undead.
And after finding his keys (!), I hope Ivan did the same, cuddling up to some nummy asprins and remembering not to mix sun, booze and....um, just take it easy next time.

A sensible break for all.
A hat and sunscreen, parasols and thongs, new summer tunes and leave the house before the real heat arrives.
Get some rays and fight the hayfever that threatens to render me a blotchy weeping mess (damn you to hell pollen!)

As for the rest of you... *sigh*
Where were you all? Asleep on this couch.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Songs in the key of (your) life

Well, fresh from the real excesses and laughter of actual flesh-and-blood-and-keyboard-and-surround-sound-swearing night class, I should be doing battle with the website project, but noooo, I'm sitting here, singing along to the Mary Tyler Moore Show theme song.

So what's your theme song? Not your ringtone (how passe) but the song seemingly tailor made for you (or so the voices tell you). 

And to get back on topic, will it appear on your glorious creation?

(Press) play nice kids.

Setting an example.

Welcome to Night Class. Hello and goodnight.